
Съдържанието може да е цар, но ние, гражданите, също имаме права

Мощна автоматизация

Използвайте правила и филтри, за да рационализирате откриването на съдържание и да пропуснете неуместната информация.
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Пълно съдържание

Забравете за изскачащите прозорци, бисквитките и лошия UX. Извличане на пълното съдържание на статии в Inoreader.
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Article summaries

Instantly summarize articles, ask questions, and execute custom or predefined prompts.
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Превод на статия

Консумирайте съдържание по начина, по който предпочитате, като превеждате статии на 30 езика.
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Но чакайте, има още:


Convert any text to audio and listen to articles and queued playlists on the go.

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Audio player

Listen to articles and podcasts without interrupting other activities.

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Content organization

Use tags, highlighters, and annotations to save the important pieces in your personal library.

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Custom dashboards

Personalize your own custom dashboards with updates, trending articles, and statistics.

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Push notifications

Get mobile push notifications for important updates based on your own preferences.

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Offline reading

Consume the content you have gathered in our apps without an internet connection.

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Keep your content safe

Automatic backups of your feeds and folders ensure you can restore your content anytime.

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Boost feeds

Get new articles from selected feeds faster with the increased refresh interval option.

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Password-protected feeds

Follow RSS feeds from private systems that require Basic or Digest HTTP authentication.

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