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RSS feeds /subscriptions
Follow websites with publicly available RSS feeds.
Web feeds & Track changes /webfeeds
Follow websites without RSS and monitor visual or textual changes like price fluctuations.
Saved web pages /save_pages
Collect pages from across the web and keep them to consume later.
Newsletter feeds /newsletters
Declutter your inbox by getting your newsletters as regular feeds in Inoreader.
Password-protected feeds /auth_feeds
Follow RSS feeds from private systems that require Basic or Digest HTTP authentication.
Featured collections /featured_collections
Explore collections on different topics and find the best sources curated by our team.
Trending articles /trending_articles
See what's currently trending among other Inoreader users (daily and weekly).
Facebook pages /social_feeds
Follow public Facebook pages and get their updates the minute they're posted online.
Bluesky feeds /bluesky_feeds
Follow searches, accounts, lists, and feeds to keep up with the latest discussions.
Telegram channels /social_feeds
Browse and follow public Telegram channels to get unfiltered news.
VKontakte /social_feeds
Subscribe to user feeds from the most popular social network for Russian and Ukrainian speakers.
YouTube sync /youtube_subscriptions_sync
Sync your YouTube subscriptions with Inoreader to get all the content you follow in one place.
Google News alerts /google_news
Follow Google News searches for keywords and topic updates in different languages.
Monitoring feeds /active_search
Stay in the know by keeping track of people, brands, companies, emerging trends, and events.
Global search /global_search
Discover articles not only in your feeds but within all publicly available sources in Inoreader.
Search in feeds /search
Search for articles previously collected by your feeds.
Search by language /search_languages
Search for articles and feeds in 30 languages.
Push notifications /push_notifications_alerts
Receive mobile push notifications for important updates based on your own preferences.
Boosted feeds /boosted_feeds
Get new articles from selected feeds faster with the increased refresh interval option.
Article summaries /intelligence
Save time and summarize articles by selecting a prompt or asking a question.
Rules /rules
Execute actions based on article properties. Assign tags, send push notifications, and much more.
Content filters /filters
Remove or allow articles to appear based on conditions defined by you.
Duplicate filters /duplicate_filters
Prevent the same content from appearing repeatedly in your feeds by using duplicate filters.
Short videos filter /youtube_shorts_filter
Remove videos under 60 seconds (YouTube shorts, etc.) to maintain cleaner feeds.
Dashboards /dashboard
Build your own custom dashboards with updates, trending articles, and statistics.
Folders /folders
Collect feeds on different topics in separate folders for a clean and organized view.
Tags /tags
Label incoming articles with specific subtopics and categorize your content accordingly.
Highlighters /highlighters
Speed up your reading by picking phrases to be automatically highlighted in texts.
Annotations /annotations
Highlight important sections in articles to revisit later. Optionally export them to Readwise.
Read later list /read_later_list
Save articles to read later and easily manage your list.
Magic sorting /sort_by_magic
Sort the articles that are most popular and relevant to you on top of your list.
Bulk operations /articles_bulk_actions
Save for later, tag or share multiple articles at once.
Control folders' unread duration /keep_unread_days
Decrease the duration for which folders retain unread articles and override the default 30-day configuration.
Custom CSS /custom_css
If you are familiar with CSS, you can customize your account beyond the default settings.
Load full content /full_content
Forget about pop-ups, cookies, and poor UX. Extract the full content of articles in Inoreader.
Full content persistence /persistent_content
Once loaded, you can keep the full content of articles in Inoreader, translate and annotate them.
Article translations /translations
Consume content the way you prefer by translating articles into 30 languages.
Text-to-speech conversion /text_to_speech
Convert any text to audio and listen to articles and queued playlists on the go.
Background audio player /audio_player
Listen to articles and podcasts without interrupting other activities.
Offline reading /offline_mode
Access the articles you have gathered in our apps without an internet connection.
Send to email /send_to_email
Send articles as links or PDF files to select recipients.
Output feeds /rss_common
Create custom RSS feeds or HTML clips from your folders, tags, and Team channels to share with others.
IFTTT integration /ifttt
Save time and stay productive by supercharging your Inoreader account with IFTTT automations.
Zapier integration /zapier
Use Zapier to connect Inoreader to more than 1500 apps in ways that work for you.
PDF export /pdf_export
Convert articles into PDF documents and save their full content on your device to read later.
Save to other platforms /integrations
Export articles to Pocket, Evernote, OneNote, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Instapaper.
Maximum guaranteed refresh interval /polling_sla
Users on our Pro plan are guaranteed that their feeds will be updated at least once every hour.
Programmatic API access /api_access
With our API, the developers in your company can turn Inoreader into an information backend.
Ad-free view /noads
No ads for a focused and uninterrupted user experience.
Automatic OPML backups /opml_backups
Automatic backups of your feeds and folders ensure you can restore your content anytime.
Secure image proxy /image_proxy
Directing your image requests to our own servers protects you from potential personal data leakage and censorship.
Frequently Asked Questions
What payment methods are available?
We support all major credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.
What happens when my plan ends?
By default, all subscriptions (monthly and annual) are recurring. This means that they will be automatically extended on their end date. If you want to prevent auto-renewal, you need to disable it from the billing section of your account.
What happens if the auto-renewal payment is not successful?
If the payment is unsuccessful, you will receive an email and an onscreen notification within Inoreader. The payment attempt from your credit card/PayPal account will be retried multiple times throughout the following week. During this period, your access will be unaffected, and you will be able to use premium features.
What happens when I cancel my Inoreader Pro subscription?
If you cancel your Pro subscription, your account will be downgraded, and limitations will apply. However, all premium features exceeding the limits will remain but will be deactivated. When you upgrade your account, your Pro features will be enabled again and continue working as before.
How do I stop a subscription purchased by App Store or Google Play?
You can do that by accessing Subscriptions in your Apple or Google account. Your Inoreader subscription should be listed there. You can also do that from the Inoreader app by going to Settings > Pro features > Manage subscription.
Can I increase the limit on a single feature?
You can do that by going to Preferences > Billing and usage > Usage > Increase limits. You can then select the feature and limits you would like to increase.
Can I have an invoice for my payment?
Yes, you can add your business info at the checkout by choosing the Are you a business option and entering your business details. After this, you’ll start automatically receiving invoices for your payments. If entering your business info isn’t convenient, or the payment has already been processed, you can contact us no later than five business days and ask for an invoice.
What happens when I decide to upgrade my existing subscription?
With the new limits, your current subscription will be prorated, meaning you will only pay the price difference between the two plans for the prepaid period.
Why do I see a difference in the official pricing?
If you purchase a subscription plan from Europe, VAT will be applied. The VAT rate depends on your country of residence and will be added to the Inoreader price. If you are VAT registered, you must add your company data and will not be charged.
Can I get a refund?
Yes. You can get a refund on an annual payment within seven days of your purchase. No questions, no explanations. Your payment method will be credited with the full amount of your purchase.
Can I use my subscription on multiple platforms?
If you have an active subscription, you can use Inoreader in your browser and on our iOS and Android apps.